Starter Kit
Amount: US$ 6,000
Detailed Activities:
Industry 4.0 Awareness Workshop
Objectives: Workshop of 2 – 3 hours with the objective of sensitizing the board or executive of a company of the competitive transformation that Industry 4.0 concepts and practices are bringing to organizations towards new technological solutions with exponential gains and marginal investments.
Industry 4.0 Shop Floor Diagnostics
Participation in the Industry 4.0 Expert Training Education Program
Virtual mentoring of 2 hours per week in Industry 4.0 for 4 weeks
Subscription to the RTW Industry 4.0 Platform for 6 months:
Access and use of the RethinkingWorks Platform in WorkSpace Industry 4.0 for a period of 6 months using the modules below to facilitate the mentoring process described. The platform supports the understanding of the activities foreseen in the mentoring, the respective work instructions, the templates and forms to be used, the discussion and presentation of results and the planning of activities with their respective results dashboard.
Road Map Industry 4.0 Awareness Workshop
Phase 1
Phase 2
Estimated Time for Package 3 is: 12 weeks.
Amount: US$ 51,000
Detailed Activities:
Phase 1
Activity 1: Digital Transformation Awareness and Alignment Workshop
Digital Transformation Awareness and Alignment Workshop:
The workshop is held virtually together with the plant(s) teams with up to two two-hour sessions. In addition to raising awareness, a quick training of around 30 minutes can be included to carry out a self-assessment of the Industry 4.0 Maturity Index on the RTW IND4.0 platform. An important factor for the motivation of the teams and for the success of the digital transformation is the initial participation in the workshop of a leader or sponsor making the opening and declaring that digital transformation is a strategic objective of the company, in addition to delegating to the team the responsibility for the digital transformation project.
Activity 2: Support during the self-assessment on the RTW IND4.0 platform:
The company will receive guidance and clarification of doubts during the self-assessment on the RTW IND4.0 platform.
Activity 3: Tracking RTW IND4.0 Feedback
This is a feedback presentation session that will be presented to the company's professionals. during a 1-hour meeting conducted online by RTW IND4.0.
Phase 2
Activity 1: 1-day technical visit to the plant under evaluation
A technical visit will be carried out to the manufacturing unit of focus for this program in order to validate or review the proposed activities. It is recommended that the visit be scheduled before the evaluation of Phase 1, in order to assist the correct understanding of it by the organization professionals and to give the best possible support to the RTW IND4.0 evaluators.
Activity 2: Walk Through in the Plant Under Evaluation
The objective of this activity is to integrate the team and evaluate the maturity index in loco. This is essential for the elaboration of the digital transformation roadmap of the plant with the local team. A best training and education is a critical success factor.
The expected duration of this activity is 5 days, starting on a Monday and ending on a Friday. The participation of the entire team in all activities is not required, since it will be carried out individually in the operational functions under evaluation, namely: Production, Production Planning, Internal Logistics, Quality and Maintenance. Only at the end, during the presentation of results, the participation of the entire team is required for up to 4 hours. The following professionals, in addition to the project leader should participate in the program: production process owners ; Human Relations and Information Technology managers.
Activity 3: Training for the development of a roadmap for digital transformation
This activity is carried out virtually. The total duration is 4 days, with 4 weekly sessions of about 4 hours. The objective is to train the teams to prepare a roadmap with up to 20 real projects of the company, whether they are projects in progress, "discovered" during the walk through, or even typical systemic projects for digital transformation suggested by the team of consultants and validated by the company. This roadmap serves as a basis for the subsequent elaboration of the complete version by the company's team, with a horizon of up to 3 years.
Activity 4: 1-day face-to-face workshop to be held at the plant under evaluation
During this workshop, the participating team will be brought together, divided into working groups, for the execution, discussion and presentation of the prepared roadmaps in a final format with the 20 projects for the given plant.
Activity 5 (optional for multiple plants): Consolidation of roadmaps
If the company wishes to consolidate the developed roadmaps of several plants into a single document, called a master roadmap, a 1-day face-to-face workshop can be held for this purpose at a location to be established by mutual agreement between the company and the team of consultants.
Important information: the preparation of the detailed complete roadmap must be carried out by the company's teams, as it is a process of learning and internalizing the company’s industrial strategies and goals. Consultants can be hired on a one-off basis in the mentoring modality to guide teams through execution.
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